Tattoos that we are experts

We specialize in tattooing that uses advanced techniques, sharp lines and attention to detail in the image, proportions and shadows in a unique style that is deep and harmonious in various types of tattoos, whether it’s portraits, color or black & grey. Once you come to Koh Samui, once you will get your best tattoo from us,
Skyline Tattoo Samui.


Looks like a photograph, using shading techniques to create realism. Tattoos that are popular for people, animals or landscapes.


Is a tattoo that emphasizes the design of beautiful, symmetrical and delicate patterns. It is often inspired by decorative arts, geometric lines and natural shapes. It has a distinctive characteristic that can be designed to fit into different parts of the body harmoniously.

Fine line tattoo

Small, simple patterns such as symbols or thin lines. Popular for those who want a small, clean tattoo.


Using dots to create images or shading, suitable for patterns that require detail and dimension.


Patterns that emphasize lines, geometric shapes, and symmetry often have spiritual or philosophical meanings.

(Old School)

Characteristics are thick lines, bright colors such as red, blue and green. Often have classic patterns such as anchors, roses, swallows or hearts.


Inspired by tribal cultures such as Polynesia, Maori or Thai. Patterns are often sharp lines, geometric shapes and meaningful symbols.


Uses black ink as the main color. Patterns are often geometric lines, symbols or tribal patterns. Simple and minimalist style.


Tattoos that emphasize letters or text, such as names, quotes, or sayings, use a variety of fonts to enhance beauty.


Uses techniques that give results similar to watercolor painting. Often have bright colors and no thick outlines.

New School

Looks like cartoons, bright colors and modern patterns. Often emphasizes fun and creativity.


Developed from Old School, more detailed, using a variety of colors and shadows to add dimension.


Tattoos that emphasize realistic images of people or animals require highly skilled technicians.

Japanese (Irezumi)

Inspired by Japanese culture such as dragons, koi fish, cherry blossoms. Patterns often have stories and detailed compositions.


Has unusual and surreal characteristics, such as combining unrelated images inspired by surrealism.


Focuses on abstraction and interpretation.
Has intricate patterns and no fixed boundaries.
Each type suits each person’s taste and personality. Choosing a tattoo should be based on the meaning and style that suits you the most!


Is a pattern that looks like a mechanism, engine, or biological organ. It is often designed to look like a body mixed with a machine.

After Care

Proper care and treatment of a new tattoo is very important to prevent infection and help the tattoo heal as quickly and beautifully as possible:
Steps to care for a new tattoo

1. Clean the wound carefully

  • After getting a new tattoo, leave the plastic covering the tattoo on for at least 2-4 hours (or follow the instructions of the tattoo artist) before removing it.
  • Wash the tattoo with warm water and a mild, unscented soap to remove initial ink and blood stains. Use clean hands to gently rub, do not use a sponge or a cloth to scrub.
  • Pat dry with a clean cloth or paper towel.

2. Apply a moisturizer

  • Use a cream or ointment recommended by the tattoo artist, such as Bepanthen, Aquaphor or Vaseline, to moisturize the skin, but do not apply too thickly.
  • Avoid using lotions with perfume, as this can irritate the skin.

3. Avoid water and sunlight

  • Do not soak in water, such as swimming or bathing, as this can bring germs into the wound.
  • Avoid direct sunlight, as this can destroy the pigments in the tattoo.

4. Do not pick or scratch.

  •  The tattoo will start to scab over the first 3-7 days. Do not pick or scratch the scab. Because it may cause the color to fade or scar.
  • If itchy, apply a moisturizing cream.

5. Wear loose clothing.

  • Choose clothes that are not too tight to prevent friction from the new tattoo.
    Healing time
  • The top layer of the tattoo usually heals in 1-2 weeks.
  • The deepest layer of the skin can take 4-6 weeks to heal.
    Warning signs of infection
    If you experience any of the following symptoms, see your doctor immediately:
  • Redness around the tattoo that is getting bigger
  • Swelling, pain, or pus
  • Fever or discomfort
Following your tattoo artist’s instructions and keeping it clean is important to ensure the tattoo looks as good and as safe as possible!


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We are a modern, unique tattoo shop that aims to create body art with an understanding of our clients’ needs in a friendly, relaxed and professional atmosphere.